The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97990   Message #1940424
Posted By: Scrump
18-Jan-07 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: smoking in uk pubs
Subject: RE: BS: smoking in uk pubs
One of the rules that should be followed when one decides to quit smoking is NEVER tell another living soul that you are quitting (until you are sure you have quit).

That's all very well, but if you are with friends who smoke, they will tend to notice that you aren't smoking and ask "Are you trying to give up?".

Or maybe you shouldn't socialise with your friends who smoke during the time when you are giving up?

It is more difficult to give up if friends offer you cigarettes, especially if you've had a drink or two and your willpower tends to evaporate.

Like McGrath, some people can give up easily, whereas others apparently struggle. My old uncle had smoked all his life - and he used to smoke strong untipped cigarettes - but after one budget had upped the price yet again he decided enough was enough. That must have been over 10 years ago when he was at least in his 50s or 60s, and he's never been tempted to smoke since.

I used to smoke as a youngster, and after giving up cigarettes I continued to smoke cigars occasionally (at Christmas, family celebrations, that sort of thing). What made me give it up was when my son was a baby - I thought I didn't want to give him any excuse to smoke when he got older, so I gave up even the cigars (I had the occasional craving over the next couple of years but I resisted it, and now I never get them at all). Of course, it didn't stop my son having the odd smoke when he got older (who hasn't?) but he's now grown up and a non-smoker. I hope us not smoking helped!