The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98185   Message #1941267
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
18-Jan-07 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shoulder twinges
Subject: RE: BS: Shoulder twinges
Little Hawk,

Speaking as someone for whom 'overdoing it' is a more or less weekly event, I would say that your intuitonal mention of the (punches) would be a good place to start. I find some of my most damaging motions are the ones that meet little or no resistance, or that meet resistance before the 'expected' time of arrival. Punches can easily fulfill these criterion. Because one tends to build up the muscles and tendons that create the swift jab more thoroughly, an imbalance can occur... it is of the utmost importance to build up the 'stopping' muscles and tendons equally, in order to compensate for your increased speed and force when you miss or hit too soon. In general, overextention of joints, muscles and tendons seems to be the result of focusing on the leveling of the punch to the exclusion of it's resulting need to be 'brought back'.

Maybe what you need, Little Hawk, is a better 'exit strategy'...    ;^)