The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98185   Message #1941317
Posted By: Slag
19-Jan-07 - 02:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shoulder twinges
Subject: RE: BS: Shoulder twinges
Little Hawk with ailing wing, I don't want to alarm you BUT...

A few years back I had a similar thing going on. I thought I had slept funny on my left shoulder. In some posoitions it would be tweaked. Then it would get better. Then worse. After a couple of months I went to my orthopod who told me that I had an impingement of the acrimonium (? spelling) upon the rotator . He tried cortizone and that was bad for two reasons: 1) it didn't work and 2) I lost my eligibility for the Hall of Fame.

I wound up having arthroscopic surgery. They used to have to open the whole shoulder up but fortunately, no more. He buzzed down the bone a little and removed the torn up tissue (I have pictures!) and the recovery was slow. For a long time I wondered if he'd have to do it over. But after a complete year it was finally gone entirely and I am certainly glad I had it done. Hopefully, it will not be the case with you, but if it is, it's very fixable. Then maybe you can tone down the swinging thing with Chongo.