The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98203   Message #1941977
Posted By: LilyFestre
19-Jan-07 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: Camping With Instruments
Subject: RE: Camping With Instruments
Thanks for the suggestions so far! I have a fiddle that I can take along and wouldn't be shattered if something happened to it...and guitars...well, we just traded a few in for a really nice one....might have to go get a cheap one for outdoor adventures!

And, yes...cabins (think empty little building with wood beds) is camping for this time of year! Things may still be damp and icky....we'll save the tent for summer weather! :)

That actually brings up another question. What do you do with your instruments when staying in a hotel? You can't really carry them around all day (I suppose you COULD but it's not realistic). Do you take the cheaper instruments? Leave them at the front desk? Just leave them locked up in your hotel room? RidgePlucker has a week long conference in DC before our camping adventure. Our room is booked....3 blocks from the White House...he'll be conferencing during the day and I'll be exploring...with high hopes of taking the kayak out in the tidal pool...I read somewhere that that is allowed..WOO HOOO...but wait....back to the what do YOU do when you are travelling?
