The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98185   Message #1942364
Posted By: *daylia*
20-Jan-07 - 07:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shoulder twinges
Subject: RE: BS: Shoulder twinges
Little Hawk, glad your chiropractor brought you some relief! I'd been seeing mine weekly since October for a similar problem in my right shoulder. There's a bone slightly out of place there, looks a bit dislocated but its not.   Its just stretched, strained ligaments and tendons from overuse (I try to do all the yardwork here myself and that's gotta change!), playing heavy guitars in awkward positions AND leaning on my "mouse arm" in front of this computer for hours on end (among other things, probably). The injured tendons limit movement and cause the muscles to go into spasm and oh oh OOOUUUUUUCCCHHHHHH......

THe chiropractic really helped my upper back and neck -- feels so loose and relaxed and DIFFERENT now!   :-)   but my poor shoulder was just getting progressively worse. So I told her last visit that imo, all the chiropractic was just aggravating/irritating the soft tissues in that shoulder more, and that I was considering acupuncture (shiver shiver) and limiting the chiropractic appointments to once a month.   

She quickly agreed, and recommended

low intensity laser therapy instead. Said she really respects these therapists, and has witnessed excellent results from this type of treatment.

Besides, she's known me all my life -- she knows how much I dislike needles, distrust the medical profession in general and in particular, new therapies. I'm nervous about ANYONE touching this tender fragile little bod as a matter of fact!

I had my first appt with the laser therapists that very day -- and by that evening the pain was about 30% less. After suffering with this for months on end while it got steadily worse, I was SO impressed! The laser therapy is painless, takes about 30 minutes and costs $35 a session.

I've had 2 more treatments since then, and this shoulder is improving by leaps and bounds!   :-) I can actually put my own coat on/pull on my boots/reach over my head with my right arm now without pain!   YIPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!   Still can't WORK that arm without pain when I lift it (ie lift or push anything when the arm is raised) but it's getting better.   Usually takes 6-10 treatments they said, less for an acute injury (ie sports), more for a chronic condition.

Anyways, just wanted to let you know what's working for my shoulder condition. Amazing, simply amazing, what can be done with various frequencies of light!!!

All the best LH,