The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97740   Message #1943049
Posted By: Slag
21-Jan-07 - 03:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: One identity per thread?
Subject: RE: BS: One identity per thread?
For paranoids, you may use up to five identities per thread to make sure no one is getting a specific lock on your true identity, unless of course five is a coded number that automatically singles you out. If five or some other number could indicate your TRUE identity then you must use a different identity for each post but do NOT use the straight GUEST identity as others who are not wearing aluminium foil hats and accutrements need that particulars designator.

If you have multiple personalities, those personalities which are not aware of the other personality(s) are free to use which ever identity they choose but it would be helpful all around if you stuck with just one. This is especially true if you ARE aware of other personalities.

If you are a committed troll, none of this means anything to you whatever and you are just going to do what it is you do regardless.

By the way this is not me. I was NOT here and I deny everything.