The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1943121
Posted By: MBSLynne
21-Jan-07 - 06:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
My parents smacked (Not quite sure what is meant by 'spanking') me possibly four or five times in my whole childhood. Each incident stands out in my memory and were mostly a result of me pushing to the limit to see how far I could go. They finally smacked me as being the last resort, and then I knew what the limits were. I believe this is good for children. A smack constituted one open hand blow (really more of a tap) to either my hand ( as in the case of me ignoring what I'd been told and messing about with a little paraffin heater) the others to the fleshy part of my thigh or my bottom. I was aware at the time that my parents did this only because I had pushed too far. It didn't make me believe that hitting was ok generally, or make me hit anyone else.

I have smacked both my kids in the same sort of circumstances, though I can't remember the last time...must be years ago. I think my children are lovely, well-balanced and mainly well-behaved people. Neither of them has EVER been accused of bullying, getting into fights or gratuitously hitting anyone else.

I also find it deeply offensive that anyone should try to tell me whether or not I may smack my children. However, there is a world of difference between smacking and beating and between smacking once with an open hand and puching with a fist or hitting with any weapon. No-one should do those to anyone and particularly not to children.

Love Lynne