The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1943766
Posted By: Slag
21-Jan-07 - 09:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
We may not OWN our children but we come pretty close to it. You may believe that they are given from on High or that you made them yourself, regardless Nature has entrusted them to your being, initially. Initially being the key word here.

We already have laws aplenty to deal with child abuse when detected. We need courts that will uphold those laws ( are you listening Vermont, Massachusetts?). More legislation and grandstanding opprotunities for politicians is not what is needed.

Parenting, like life, is more art than science. The most basic foundation for the whole enterprise is LOVE. That's the magic that ultimately makes the whole thing work, if it's going to work at all. Again, if you are REACTING to your children out of frustration, anger, chemical dependence, mental illness, emotional illness, indifference, sexual perversion or any such like! that is WRONG!

Some folks don't need to be having children because of aforementioned problems which remain unresolved. I don't think this thread should expand beyond the question of the proposed legislation but these are all factors that enter into the question of discipline and what mode that discipline should take. We all play it by ear in family dynamics. We all have baggage. We all need to be aware of what is in our baggage and its potential to harm our children. If you have your head on straight and your emotional baggage squared away. Good. If your child needs a swat to get their attention do so but without physical injury to the child. Listen to your child. They will let you know what you need to do. Love them always. If you can't handle it admit it. No shame in that. Find help. Find what works right, in the best interest of the child.

And as a footnote. If a child's crying "bothers" you, know that crying is a natural and healthy exercise for a child. They NEED to do it to develope their lungs and tweak their hormone system. If the crying is unnatural or it makes you suspect that something else may be going on, go to a doctor or clinic. If you need a break (and we ALL need a break from time to time) by all means arrange some downtime for yourself.