The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1943912
Posted By: GUEST,Diesel
22-Jan-07 - 12:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
My Child is tough, I mean that, on both myself and my wife - he was tough bringing up. At 3+1/2 he ran ahead of me in a shopping aisle - straight out toward a main road where the buses drive. Calling and shouting for him to stop meant nothing - and I have a loud voice when I need, it was his 'fun' to ignore us.

I ran and caught him about a metre or two from the road edge - he may have been in the process of stopping - I wasn't ! My hand met his bum as I lifted him - and I apologise to no-one for this. Either instant punishment then and there for what he nearly done - the consequence of him under a bus is a much harder alternative.

He has gotten a few smaller slaps on the bum, or the hands over the years. And I do wish I never did that.Yet on reflection - I wouldn't consider it OTT, but still regret I ever felt I had to.

He's now 6, I love him to bits, he's still very very tough, but not half as bold. And no he doesn't need a slap anymore, now a stern 'Stop' or even a little 'cough-cough' is sufficient.

His sister is now nearly 3 - hasn't ever needed the same approach - pure different personality. And that is where it comes from - how far beyond the edge the child pushes balanced with how much the parent tries.

Good parents struggle to get it right, and every parent/child is different. No legislation will ever get it right - so with existing laws for obvious harm - leave it alone.

Imagine the parent hysterical or just mean - mentally punishing a child - nothing physical, yet emotionally can do more harm to a child in the long term - how do they propose to check that ????
