The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1943955
Posted By: dianavan
22-Jan-07 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
"Gnu, the law being discussed pertained to children three and under."

Thanks for the clarification, Peace.

The only time a child under three may need a spank is if he/she is repeatedly doing something unsafe like hitting their forehead against a window pane. I know that sounds strange but...

If all else fails...

I pretty much agree with what slag has said.

kendall I disagree with your statement, " Beaten children grow up to be beaters. Sexually abused kids grow up to be abusers. There is a mountain of evidence to prove it."

Most abusers and beaters have a history of abuse; but not all abusers and beaters continue the abuse. Some people do learn not to pass it on. I repeat, a swat or a spank is not abuse. Its just politics to make more laws on this issue while we sit back and turn a blind eye to real abuse, like sexual abuse and beatings.

Do something about that instead of focussing on parents who are doing their best to curb anti-social behaviour and behaviour that might endanger their lives.