The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1944098
Posted By: Bernard
22-Jan-07 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
In answer to GUEST 06:44 PM who claims ANY smack is 'redefined abuse'.

I hope you've read subsequent posts which show how irresponsible you sound.

Allowing a child to play with fire or run into the street when a 'short sharp shock' will prevent it is also a form of abuse.

Which is preferable?

A good parent knows where to draw the line, and by the same token, their children know where that line is.

It's easy to be pompous and claim that a great big adult is abusing a tiny little child, but that is fatuous and being used for effect. Nobody seriously believes such wild accusations!!

A tiny child will accept a light tap on the hand as a symbolic of a real slap - the child isn't hurt or abused, but knows he/she has crossed a line.

In the ideal world this would not ever be necessary, but this is far from an ideal world.

The real problem is those who abuse for pleasure...

Let's not lump conscientious, caring parents in with such animals.

We all know where the line is!