The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1944404
Posted By: Bernard
22-Jan-07 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
GUEST 11:46...

What you claim to have been subjected to is undoubtedly abuse. Sorry about the use of the word 'claim', but I hope you will understand - I'm not trying to trivialise your experiences, believe me.

I, too, was 'bullied' by adults. They including my father, who is still alive, and my primary school headmaster who died some years ago. The headmaster used to slap me to 'make me learn my arithmetic and I'd thank him for it one day', and the net result is I'm still hopeless at it - and no, I don't thank him at all.

I believe it has made me into a potential bully, but I am able to recognise it and avoid it. I accept that others may not.

The difficulty, as has already been said, is 'where do we draw the line?'

I don't think we're addressing the 'corporal punishment' issue here, but the parent's right to 'smack', which is a completely different thing.

It is very rare that a total ban (on anything) achieves its objective, possibly because it isn't fair to both camps.

The big problem is in catching and sorting out the bullies - whose activities will continue despite any legislation. Preventing parents from bringing up their children as they see fit sets a dangerous precedent.