The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1944932
Posted By: Slag
22-Jan-07 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
kendall, I was reacting to the illogicality of that initial post. You made a sweeping generalization "ALL" and then you cited anectodal evidence of some you had known and then turned around and stated that you would not accept anecdotal evidence. Further you stated that you had other evidence but cited none of it.

I got your general drift and by and large I agree with you but you certainly did NOT mount a logical argument!!

The things done to children usually sink into the deep subconscious and become part of the matrix of pesonality and it is amazing how learned behaviors such as beating or molestation comes out in a given situation. It takes a lot of personal insight, self awareness and work to not take the easy road and follow the paradigm laid down for you in infancy. Most never confront it and many who do need assistance from those in the mental health field.

The less some form of corporeal punishment is used, the more significant it becomes. It estabilishes an ultimate line. Unfortunately that is a two-edged sword (so to speak) in that some little ones like to keep butting up against that line to see if it really is there. And so, for consistency's sake, some may feel trapped into continually repeating the punishment. Not so! Get creative! At some point you may even try "reason" with the little tykes. In fact, you should never stop talking to them. Teach them communication. Tell them the truth. Explain things over and over again. A little more gets through each time and some day they WILL thank you for it.