The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1944989
Posted By: Genie
22-Jan-07 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Guest: "It would do more good if people actually looked at the research on the effects of different methods of child rearing. "

Guest, that's what my post was based on. (Plus some common sense -- which is often corroborated by childrearing research findings.)

The bulk of research on childrearing practices indicates that consistency of discipline is far more important than specific disciplinary techniques, both in terms of controlling behavior and in terms of producing non-neurotic kids and adults. Another key factor seems to be the parent-child affectional bond.   Which is why I made that sarcastic remark about taking a toddler away from a bad old parent who spanks and placing him/her in a foster home where such practices are not used.

But again, "spanking" is a term that covers an awfully broad territory.   (Especially if the "spankee" has a weight problem, but that's another topic.)
Banning "spanking" is as ridiculous as banning "negative verbal sanctions."   The term is way too imprecise.

Again, I am not endorsing any form of physical punishment. Just saying the body of research on childrearing does not support the idea that it cannot be used effectively as a disciplinary technique, regardless of when and how and by whom it is used.