The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1945338
Posted By: gnu
23-Jan-07 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
After some reflection, I realize that my choice of words, "any child of any age", was, at best, a very poor choice. My apologies to Peace.

I guess I just figured that "child" means an individual that is mentally aware of what s/he is doing and continues poor behaviour, despite reasoning with s/he, and a warning of punishment, whatever that punishment might be, with physical punishment being a last resort.

As an example, my great nephew, at the age of five years old, at a family gathering, began kicking me in the shins because it was great fun. The first time, I told him not to it as it was impolite and it hurt. Ten minutes later, after another sneak attack, I told him not to do it again, and I warned him I would hit him back. Same thing a few minutes later, so, as he turned to flee, I flicked his ear lobe with my middle finger. No damage done, but it does smart.

His mother was rather upset. I said to her something like, "You had better teach him not to kick people because when he comes home from school this fall with a black eye and a fat lip after kicking the wrong kid, it will be your fault."

Anyway, sorry Peace.

I'll leave youse all to it... again.