The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98257   Message #1945515
Posted By: wysiwyg
23-Jan-07 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sick Chicken Any Advice?
Subject: RE: BS: Sick Chicken Any Advice?
If she stops eating and if she starts to drop feathers you will know she is feeling stressed. But ultimately, it's up to you how much time you are going to put into this. If she had this disability within her normal free-range life, she would very quickly become prey.

I think the decision has more to do with your feelings than hers-- and there's nothing wrong with that. If you want her to live by the law of free-range chickens, put her out with the flock and let nature take its course. If that's too hard, then I would put her down and not look back.

I had a duck hit by a passing car, a glancing blow that tore up her back end. We had a lot of joy with our ducks, individually and as a flock.... She was still managing to get around to try to follow the rest of the flock, but I put her down because I knew she could not move fast enough to avoid nighttime predators or the next car, and had no way of adapting to her reduced mobility-- brain too small to think like a people. It was quick and painless, though I made a mess that upset me deeply.

We've had other farm animals that had to be put down-- I let Hardi do it now, because he's better at it.

Just be kind to yourself about whatever you decide-- it isn't easy, either way.
