The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98310   Message #1945909
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
23-Jan-07 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: Mary Cliff 'Traditions' dropped from WETA FM
Subject: RE: Folklore: Mary Cliff Fired - WETA FM 'Traditions'
I have not had a chance to speak directly with Mary, and I do not know what her plans are - but I just checked WAMU's website after reading Sauls note and found this message -

"A Message to Our Listeners
As you might imagine, we're receiving lots of questions right now from many of you -- public radio listeners who are wondering what WAMU 88.5 will be changing, if anything, in light of current changes in the Washington, D.C., area radio landscape.

I'm happy to be able to answer one question right now: Starting Saturday, Jan. 27, we'll begin airing A Prairie Home Companion from 6-8 p.m. Hot Jazz Saturday Night will follow from 8-11 p.m.

I'm hoping to have answers to all your questions soon -- questions about different shows that you would like us to carry. We're already evaluating our recent programming changes, because the format changes in our area obviously provide some additional opportunities and options for our station. We'll release any information about additional changes to our own schedule when we have them.

I wish our colleagues at WETA-FM great success with their return to classical music. WAMU 88.5's focus will not change -- to be the public radio listener's source for news and information in the Washington, D.C., metro area, and to showcase the best of traditional American music.

Caryn G. Mathes
WAMU 88.5 General Manager"

Perhaps another lobbying effort should be directed at WAMU to pick up Mary??