The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98339   Message #1945990
Posted By: Micca
23-Jan-07 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
Subject: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat

UK Friends of The Mudcat

There has been a recent change of Officials. Gareth Williams has stepped down as Treasurer. John Routledge has taken over his duties, and John "Giok" MacKenzie has been co-opted onto the Committee.

Pending elections, money will continue to be transferred via Bill Sables to Max on a quarterly basis. The mechanics of this are being looked at to see if there is a more direct method of transfer.These arrangements will remain in place pending election of new Officials which we hope will be held by Easter 2007

In the absence of a 3D meeting we need a membership list for voting purposes. Persons wishing to become members should PM their name address and email address to John "Giok" MacKenzie and they will be added to the membership list. Additionally nominations are required for positions as FoM Officials ie Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer together with two auditors.

Members can nominate one person, for each of the vacant positions, including themselves, no seconder is necessary Applications and nominations should be received before March 1st 2007 to enable elections to take place quickly.

A Financial Audit would be carried out before handover to new officials and we hope that the existing auditors would carry this out.

A Permathread dedicated to FoM will be created which will be used to inform members of events and fund-raising activities, and any amounts raised at the various UK MudMeets, the thread will be edited to focus on current matters, and reflect the core of FoM activity.

*Member Registration
*The only qualification required is an interest in supporting Mudcat and residing in the UK. No membership fee is required. We anticipate membership of less than 100 rather than several hundreds The biggest input members will have is producing ideas for fund- raising activities and carrying them out.
Persons wishing to become members should PM their name address and email address to John"Giok"MacKenzie and they will be added to the membership, nominations for office bearers and auditors should also be made at this time. Applications and nominations should be received before March 1st 2007 to enable early elections to take place.