The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98310   Message #1946139
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
23-Jan-07 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: Mary Cliff 'Traditions' dropped from WETA FM
Subject: RE: Folklore: Mary Cliff Fired - WETA FM 'Traditio
Gutbucketeer, what you described certainly sounds ominious and I do not want to sound like like I am defending the idiots that run WETA, but what you described is certainly not illegal or against any FCC or CPB rules.

One item that you have not included is that the FCC deregulation changed many of the rules.   The deregulation abolished the Fairness Doctrine rules, stations no longer required to present public affairs programs, etc.   It is now much harder to challenge a radio stations license - especially when they make a case that classic music has a larger audience that needs to be served.

The FCC and CPB do not tell stations how operate or what kind of programs to present. I could make a case that polka music is not being served and demand a public station broadcast several hours a week - but they can tell me to go fly a kite.

While us "folkies" see the loss of Mary's show as a loss, none of us can tell a radio station how to operate. What we can do is what has been suggested - write letters to not only the management (who are excpecting it and can deal with volumes of hate mail) but more importantly to the underwriters and I would also suggest the board of trustees. WETA has public meetings. Groups of folkies should show up as a group and make your voice heard. The folk music community of Washington DC should have a MANDATORY committment to help Mary after everything she has done for them.   Show up to the public meeting and raise some hell.

As for fighting this on a legal issue, you do not have a case. You can only hit them in the pocketbook to have a slim chance of making it work.   Go for it.