The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98199   Message #1946192
Posted By: Tyke
23-Jan-07 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: Who invented Folk Clubs?
Subject: RE: Who invented Folk Clubs?
I agree Guest that it might seem a formal way to run things but to call yours a club would indicate several people clubbing together to cover the running costs. Each member would be expected to pay any losses and to share in any profits. Working Men's Clubs, Labour Clubs, Conservative Clubs, Drinking Clubs, Liberal Clubs, Golf Clubs all have committees, meetings, and people who are elected to run things.

I'm not against benevolent dictatorships you take the risk and call the tune. Let's face it if it's a good idea you can always turn it into a Club when it's more loss than profit or when you realise that you can't do everything. It would seem reasonable that when contracts involving money and when any profit or more likely losses could be involved to which several people are liable that rules, regulations, mission statements and Laws are in place. A raffle, for instance, to raise money to pay the guest or for advertising or for the room is probably not legal unless you are a Club and meeting the Laws which regulate Clubs in the United Kingdom.

Clubbing together to run an event makes sense especially if you are able to Club together with other clubs to ensure you have say public liability insurance at the cheapest rate. Perhaps some legal eagle could give advise on the Laws relating to Clubs in the UK.