The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98291   Message #1946317
Posted By: Slag
24-Jan-07 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: Hearing your own voice recorded
Subject: RE: Hearing your own voice recorded
Here's the thing about hearing your voice recoreded (on good quality equipment) for the first time. The other voices and sounds that were in the background sounded just as normal as unrecorded. But then I heard this nasaly voice, low and clipped off on word endings and my first thought was "Who was that?" and then the revelation!!!! AAAAAAGh, THAT WAS ME! What a shock! I felt like I should never speak again, let alone, try to sing.

But the fun and funny thing about it is that when you begin to work with recording and using it as a feedback you come more in tune with the reality of your voice and you begin to make improvements.

The phenomenon points out the subjective aspect of life in general. We all experience ourselves differently than others experience us. The idea of blind spots comes to mind. We all have them and we are NOT the best judges of ourselves in certain areas. That's why we need honest and open friends to give us honest feedback. Stow the pride factor and learn. Sharpen ALL your skills, not just your singing.