The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98339   Message #1946367
Posted By: John MacKenzie
24-Jan-07 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
For those of you who may be wondering about UK FoM let me give you a brief history.
It was started at a great Mudgathering in Stony Stratford in 2002, when it was decided to run a raffle and donate the proceeds to Max as a means of helping towards the cost of running this site.
We elected a few office bearers and opened a bank account and one or two people set up standing orders with their banks, to pay a small monthly amount to FoM. At almost every Mudgathering since then, including the Euro gatherings, people have donated items as raffle prizes, and the monies raised have found their way to Max to show our appreciation of the Mudcat Cafe.
Quite a lot of money has been raised, and has gone to Max, exact figures will be given when we do our audit, but I know it's in excess of £1000.
So that's roughly what it's all about, and so many people have helped in different ways, and in the end it's all for our benefit. People like Hilary [MGAS], Jane [Mrs Duck] and Kate [Fibula Mattock] have all run Mudgathers and raffles to help the cause, there are others too, but I can't remember them all, but a big thanks is due to those who do these things for no return.
So please register as a member, and donate the raffle prizes, and buy the raffle tickets too, it will give you a warm glow, honest!
Just your name, home address, and e-mail address is all we require.
If you want to volunteer as an office bearer,{we only have them as we are collecting money and we need to keep accounts}, then please do. Or nominate someone, with their permission, to help run things, please do so.
It's all in a good cause folkies!!!