The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1946519
Posted By: Desdemona
24-Jan-07 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Genie--LOL in re: "outlaws", I just said the same thing in discussing this topic with a friend this morning!

Your point about consistency is an excellent one: no matter what form of "discipline" is preferred (and I use the quotes because there are always some people who consider yellingidle threats at their kids from the sofa in the next room or similar "discipline"), it's the parent's reponsibility to follow through with it each and every time. Children are smart, and will quickly suss out that the threat of punishment is nothing to worry about if it's never enforced. If it's enforced sometimes but not others ("yesterday no-one cared if I jumped on the bed; today I got smacked for it"), they just become confused and can't know what to expect, which has got to make a little person feel pretty insecure.

As stated in my earlier post, I don't personally believe in spanking, and feel that there has to be a better way; it seems to me that when you're reduced to hitting someone---anyone---it's a clear indication that you're too frustrated, angry, and potentially out of control to come up with any better ideas. This is probably the time to do what all that helpful literature suggests and step out on the porch, phone a friend, etc. rather than set an example for your child of which few people could honestly feel proud afterwards.

Just my opinion. People obviously have to make their own choices, but I agree with Kendall that it's a sad state of affairs when the government ostensibly "needs" to legislate this sort of thing.
