The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90399 Message #1947257
Posted By: GUEST,sujord
24-Jan-07 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Pick a Bale of Cotton
Subject: RE: Origins: Pick a Bale of Cotton
My daughter's fourth grade honors choir is singing this song and I am somewhat taken aback by them singing it. These children know not of what they sing. It offends me that the arranger has called this a traditional folk song. It is not only that. I consider it to be included along with Steal Away or Down By The River side etc. I apologize if these aren't the correct titles. I don't mind them singing it if they understand that it was not fun jumping down to pick a bale of cotton. It was not by choice that we picked a bale a day. Yes, it's ok to celebrate history and remember the song, but give African Americans their (our) due and respect. It is at least a Negro Folk song or a Negro Spiritual. But not an American/traditional folk song-its way more than that. Let's not diminish the labor of my (our American) ancestors and the growth of America and the African-American by belittling the effort/abuse it took to jump down turn around and pick a bale of cotton.