The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98369   Message #1947579
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
25-Jan-07 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: Lakeman and Harding
Subject: RE: Lakeman and Harding
Seth Lakeman is doing MORE for folk music than anyone has for a very long time....apart from Show of Hands of course! ;0)

The thing that saddens me about 'the folk world', particularly the er...English Traditional part of it, is the amount of bitterness, anger, upleasantness, narrow mindedness and in my ever so humble opinion, sheer jealousy, that gets thrown at ANYONE who is remotely successful....or young!

Perhaps it's because so many of the people within the Eng. Traddie world are er...over a certain age? Or perhaps it's merely because they were already old when they were young?

Now being 51 and three quarters myself I can only say how EXCITING I find Seth's music, not just for his sheer musical ability and sparkle, but for the way he's blowing all those Miserable Old Pedantic Train Spotting Traddies right out of the water and bringing in younger people who have no musical prejudices whatsoever, no fences, no rules or regulations.

Yup! Seth's bringing in young people don't stick their fingers in the ears, who don't bore the pants of people going on and on about "OooOOOOoooo The White Hare ISN'T stop the world!", who don't stand for hours on a folk club floor singing 32 verses about a Ploughboy because their mother never told them to sit down and be quiet.......and who basically are there to have a bloody good time, enjoy themselves tremendously, find their own music and their roots, dance till they drop, thus defying many of the Moaning Minnie Festival Stewards who seem these days to work for 'The Ministry of 1984'....and bascially recognise Seth Lakeman's talent....which is outstanding!

Thank GOD he is playing at so many festivals!

Rock on Seth!!!!!!!
