The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19208   Message #194797
Posted By: Rick Fielding
14-Mar-00 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: Music Teaching Tips....again.
Subject: RE: Music Teaching Tips....again.
Couple of really good points made. What to do when you're in a jam session and you "PANIC"! You have no idea what chords are being played and you just go blank. Well that's God's way of tellin' you yer out of yer depth (AT THE MOMENT!!!!) Don't sweat, don't bust a blood vessel, and DON'T Play! Just listen. When the song ends...YOU start the next one. Make everyone follow YOUR chords. Don't worry for one moment that it will be too simple for anyone to be interested in. Yeah, it involves a little gumption to emerge from a situation where one minute you feel like yer screwing the rest up to boldly initiating the next piece, but that's what creating your own comfortable environment is all about. After the session get someone to jot down the chords to as many songs that you couldn't follow and do some woodsheddin'.

Over the years I've found that there are two kinds of musicians. Those who WANT to improve and those who stick to what they learned at the beginning (generally those are the ones who stick the same three chords into everything whether more are required or not). Just a few days ago a guy came into Mudcat saying "Stop analyzing music you wimps, just kick back, down a few brews and play!" Well, he's got a point...and chances are I build bookshelves with the same skill he plays guitar.....but I think learning to play it "right" is fun, and if you can budget a little time each day to practice technique (not just sing songs) you'll find it as rewarding as I have.

There have been times that I was sitting in with experienced jazz players and felt exactly what Peter did. Didn't have a clue where some of the chords went. Sweat-City!

Tip: Most professional flatpickers use VERY heavy picks (over 1mm.)
