The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90399 Message #1947986
Posted By: Azizi
25-Jan-07 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Pick a Bale of Cotton
Subject: RE: Origins: Pick a Bale of Cotton
Susan, you make a number of points in your 25 Jan 07 - 01:53 PM post that I very much agree with.
However, I wish you hadn't used my name in vain ;o) when you wrote: "And to sing or not sing a song like this is not within Azizi's power to grant as OK-- it's bigger than any individual. You have to THINK about it for yourself and find your peace with what is true about it, the best you can."
It's important to me that people know that I know that I don't have nor do I want to have the power to mandate which songs people sing.
Scrump asked my opinion about whether he {or she} should sing this song. My response was "What other people do is their decision, though I can voice {and am voicing} my objections to those decisions, just as people can voice their objections to what I say and do or the manner by which I say and do whatever".
I suppose that your sentence just rephrases what I wrote. However, I want to make clear my awareness of my essential powerlessness and my non-lust for power less some people misconstrue what you wrote and run with it.