The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98393   Message #1948239
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
25-Jan-07 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: Where'd We Get Spirituals(closed)
Subject: RE: Where'd We Get Spirituals We Know Today?
Do we need essays in Permathreads at Mudcat? I am beginning to think not.

The Spirituals Permathread, to me, should be:
1. List and index of spirituals.
(Of course never complete)

2. Links to spirituals and variants posted at Mudcat (inc. notes on singers and discography, chords, etc.).

Discussion, speculation, argument is fine in the normal threads. We all do it.
Such material in Permathreads, however, is a step too far; it cannot be given proper peer review and could mislead.