The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98393   Message #1948545
Posted By: Alba
26-Jan-07 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: Where'd We Get Spirituals(closed)
Subject: RE: Where'd We Get Spirituals We Know Today?
Why so nasty ridgepicker..? It isn't anyone on the Mudcat's fault that you are technically challenged when it comes to finding Permathread information! It certainly is not WYSIWYG's problem either. Seems you got a personal dig in towards WYSIWYG while you were at it! Why? Don't bother answering that you sound like a person with grudge. Get over yourself.

Some people just can't resist the urge to mean, you obviously enjoyed directing your bile towards this particular Member of the Mudcat Community. Cruelty and resentment are not admirable traits.
Your ignorant remarks could have been PMd.

Note to self: Avoid RPs posts like the plague in the future.