The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18976   Message #194856
Posted By: jeffp
14-Mar-00 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: The evolving Mudcat?What will it become?
Subject: RE: BS: The evolving Mudcat?What will it become?
Beautifully stated, Shambles. When you gather a large number of creative people together, creativity is going to happen. This creativity cannot be stopped, and attempts to stop them will meet with dismal failure. Trying to channel this creativity will probably be only partially successful. I do appreciate those who step in and remind us that there is a primary focus here. They help keep things from degenerating into absolute anarchy.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole range of Catters are valuable here and the combination makes for one of the most incredible communities I've ever been priviledged to be a part of.
