The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19233   Message #194904
Posted By: Mbo
14-Mar-00 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Mudcat Tavern
Subject: RE: BS: The Mudcat Tavern
Well howdy Caitrin!'s been a good long time since I was in here! Yes, with the Micheal Mhor back, and Spaw mixing it up with Amos, it's sure to be another fine fun time. Now where's that Mario? He said he made a shiny wooden pedestal for me....I could use that for an art project!

Well since I finally got it back (the school didn't feel it was a keeper) I'm hanging the AMAZING MUDCAT GUITAR up on the Mudcat Tavern Wall of Shame, right next to the thong and the calendar skivvies. Ha! It's about time someone else got to stare at that monstrosity besides me!

I figure the others should be along shortly...maybe if Jon gets in tonight I'll play him "Blackberry Way" again. LA LA LA! NEW SONGS! LA LA LA! NEW TUNES! LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!
