The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1949055
Posted By: Greg B
26-Jan-07 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Nice back-pedaling Kendall. We've got you down from sexual abuse
victims who don't go on to be sexual abusers as adults being
'exceptions' because it's 'all they know.' That's a start.

I still maintain that you, and your ex-, are molding your
facts to fit your assumptions.

It's oh-so-very convenient to maintain that it's a 'cycle' of
abuse that needs to be broken, because, oh 'everybody' knows
that. Just like 'everybody' knew 30 years ago that schizophrenia
was a mental, not a physical, illness. The sad fact is (and it
was so when I got MY degree in Psychology) that most research
psychologists start out with an assumption and then set about
trying to prove it.

Thus we wound up with great 'scientific' support for the 'science'
of eugenics. Warm up the ovens.

Not long ago everyone 'knew' that homosexuals were apt to be
child molestors.

I don't have to defend my qualifications against those of your
ex-. We've seen one heck of a lot of shrinks who haven't the
foggiest notion as to how properly to work with abuse victims
and/or abusers. And who have some wierd and sadly archaic ideas
based on what 'colleagues' have told them and they've always
assumed to be true. When you've heard a few dozen stories in
gynocological/urolgical detail, followed by what the ensuing
decades following the abuse have been like, then you'll be in
a position to assess my 'qualifications.'

I'd almost rather have people folks speak honest hate speech than
to start mealy-mouthing around 'studies' and 'statistics' to 'prove'
their own fear-driven bigotry. I hear it around lunch tables all the
time--- there are a higher proportion of black men incarcerated
therefore 'they' (i.e., African Americans in general) must be more
lazy and pre-disposed to criminal behavior. There's not a damned
bit of difference between the connections you're trying to make
and that other pseudo-logical hate speech when it comes to looking
at individuals. Both keep the individual from ever being looked at
AS an individual, and both heap disadvantage upon disadvantage.

Heck, David Duke can construct logical 'arguments' for the hate
speech he spews. He can even find statistics to twist to his
purpose, just as you have.

It's all still hate speech.

But what really sticks in my craw, Kendall, is that you no doubt
have managed with your thrice-repeated calumny to re-victimize
the sexual abuse survivors who are here, reading this thread.
Oh, and they're here. That's one sad statistic that's all too true.
You've managed to push them back towards shame, and back towards
guilt, and back towards feeling like they somehow are not as good
as the rest of society.

And worse yet, you're not even stand-up enough to ask forgiveness
for saying that, if they don't abuse, they're just an 'exception.'

As they say in Jersey. Accept THIS.