The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71110   Message #1949098
Posted By: CapriUni
26-Jan-07 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: The Care And Feeding Of Muses
Subject: RE: The Care And Feeding Of Muses
The Muses of the old Greeks may not walk among us today in long flowng gowns, with sandals and harps.

But I think the Greeks were onto something when they thought of the Muses as A) specialists in a chosen field of art & song, and B) that we mortals are "sponsered," so to speak, by these specialists.

I am gradually, but with increasing rapidity coming to the conclusion that my muse has no interest whatsoever in helping me out with songs of social commentary or politicall protest. No matter how many ideas for such songs come into my head, I always seem to struggle with them and the end result is never as clear or concise or touching as the ones I've written on so-called "lighter" themes (I've been laboring over one protesting the gift of diamonds as expression of love for about a month, now, and it's going nowhere).

Do others find this to be true for them, as well?

I'm beginning to suspect that my Musely patron (matron?) is Thalia: the muse of comedy and pastoral poetry. So maybe I'll look to the 2007 Joke thread, for my next bit of inspiration...