The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1949119
Posted By: Slag
26-Jan-07 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Well, we were all having this fine discussion on wether we thought it was ever right to paddle a three year old child when suddenly a hockey game broke out!

There is a difference between sophistry and logic. Mr. Duke may present a facade of reason but the light of reason will eventually dismantle said edifice. Sorry, I do tend to talk this way and I do tend to be pedantic, especially when one seems to intentionally be obtuse. I shall refrain.

If the topic were child rearing in general I have to say that Nick's comments are great. This is what really worked best with my kids. We would explore cause and effect together. I taught them how to evaluate a given situation, especially one that might have negative consequences if approached wrongly.

When you arrest a small child's attention or halt his dangerous progress you are reacting to an immediate situation. I don't know that I would call that a "spanking" or even punishment.

Spanking as a means of punishment might be the real subject under discussion. Does anyone know how the term is defined in the proposed legislation? Can we get the subject back on track?