The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98234   Message #1949166
Posted By: Cluin
26-Jan-07 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
Subject: RE: BS: Spank, or No-Spank?
A definition from

spank·ing (spãng'kĭng)

Informal. Exceptional of its kind; remarkable.
Swift and vigorous: a spanking pace.
Brisk and fresh: a spanking breeze.

Used as an intensive: a spanking clean shirt.

A number of slaps on the buttocks delivered in rapid succession, as for punishment.

[Perhaps of Scandinavian origin.]

spankingly spank'ing·ly adv.

Damn those Scandinavians! What did they start this whole mess for anyway?