The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19217   Message #194928
Posted By: katlaughing
14-Mar-00 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: So Where WAS Big Mick?....The Facts
Subject: RE: So Where WAS Big Mick?....The Facts
It is a well-known fact that the Ancient Fertility Rites of Spring start in the warmer climes of North America, thus it is the Big Mick, Keeper of AFR of Spring was busy fulfilling his duties, serving up, as it were, in a bounteous way amongst the maidens fair, as well as various gawdesses/wisewimmin, thus ensuring a fertile and lucious crop of all manner of growing things, including the newly named hybrid potatus gargantus micelus. It said, this year, the yield of such will keep the entire world fed from a cultivated plot of only two acres! sure to make your pilgrimage to the Ancient Temples, offer your tithe and ensure your proper postition in the hierarchy of Fertile Abundance. Tithes in song, instruments (musical only), and other related materials will be accepted this year until further notice. All Hail Big Mick!