The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98369   Message #1949546
Posted By: Fiona
27-Jan-07 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: Lakeman and Harding
Subject: RE: Lakeman and Harding
To answer Folkiedaves original question, it's hard to say as the playlists aren't archived but I think he played the 'White Hare' before Christmas and again the other week, but I must say I thought playing it the other week was a bit of a piss take because of all the complaints. I'd say he's played 'The Colliers' from Freedom Fields way more.

He's played Salsa Celticas 'Grey Gallito' several times but not in the past few weeks, The van Eyken & Drever ones not so much, I remember him mentioning Kris Drever had won the Scots Trad Award and playing something but I don't think it was 'Green Grows The Laurel'.

On the show where he announced the nominations he played little bits of everything.

I wonder if the host at the beeb could be persuaded to release the playlists?
