The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98442   Message #1950120
Posted By: Bill D
28-Jan-07 - 12:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: The term Afro American?
Subject: RE: BS: The term Afro American?
I sat in some NAACP meetings in the mid-60s when darkish complexioned folks of various hues were arguing among themselves about what they wanted to be called. The opinion changed every few months...and those of us with vaguely pinkish complexions had to be VERY careful to keep up with the latest majority. *wry grin*...It really got kind of silly.

A friend of mine (white, but very 'in' with ethnic communities)_told me of attending a BIG outdoor meeting in Wichita, Kansas.. with lots of speeches by local leaders of the black community. At one point Dan ****** mumbled out loud.."sure are a lot of 'high yeller ni***** up there talkin' 'bout "black power"!"

It ain't easy folks, to find easy ways to refer to situations that are not terribly comfortable for anyone.

It would be MY preference to just call citizens "American" unless one NEEDED to describe someone by a hue for identification purposes. I really think that continued references to "the *first* African-American to be 2nd asst. secretary of what-ever" just keeps us divided....and now Latinos are being singeled out. It's fine to learn about one's heritage and to honor it...but to emphasize it and wear it like a chip on the shoulder gets tedious.

I will try to use terms that serve a REAL purpose...not just for propaganda & political ends.....