The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98442   Message #1950175
Posted By: dianavan
28-Jan-07 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: The term Afro American?
Subject: RE: BS: The term Afro American?
"ambiguous ethnicity"??? Now that is insulting. I prefer American hybrid. When I was growing up, the White folks called me a 'breed' and my Indian cousins called me 'blood'. None of those terms refer to colour but it was all in the way it was said.

In my class, I have a variety of colour crayons of different skin colours. While the students (a small group of six year olds) were drawing faces, one of the little girls told me her mother had said she was yellow but the crayon colour didn't match her skin. She was baffled. I looked closely and saw pink cheeks, and a very white throat. We decided she was Peach. Her drawing was beautiful and included black, almond eyes.

Another girl was drawing me and wanted a closer look at my eyes. She actually stepped back in surprize. My eyes are green with yellow speckles and a brown rim. She thought that eyes were either black, brown, or blue. None of this discussion was uncomfortable for any of us. Its all about intent.

Am I Indian, Aboriginal or First Nations or Metis? No, I'm blood. That means I'm a relative. I prefer to called a hybrid.