The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98442   Message #1950852
Posted By: The Shambles
28-Jan-07 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: The term Afro American?
Subject: RE: BS: The term Afro American?
And anyone who finds themselves using racist insults has to recognise that this means that at some level within them they are racist - and this can be very unsettling to recognise.

No it does not - this only means that they are unwise to choose to be using words that racists use quite intentionally to denegrate others, on the grounds of race.

The use of such words - in the heat of the moment does not alone make anyone a rascist at any level.

This is not to excuse the use of such insults or to excuse any real offence caused by their use but perhaps to make an important distinction that is in danger of being lost.

Footballers call each (and referees) many insulting words like 'cunt' on a fairly regular basis.

Should they not find this insulting behavior equally unsettling?

Or does it only become unsettling when the insulting word 'cunt' is prefixed by a non-insulting word which describes a colour?

In the heat of the moment, any professional football player in our country would be safe to use the insulting word 'cunt' but would be unwise and open themselves up to charges of racism and risk being kicked out of their profession if they insulted anyone by calling them a black cunt.

Prejudice against anyone by reason of sex, class, sexual preference, mental health, physical appearance etc is equally as unacceptable as to do so on grounds of race.

Or is society now saying that racism is worse than these?

If it is - and these labels are to be placed on individuals by our media - then perhaps some agreement should first be reached about what is and is not to be judged as racist.

Our differences, racial, cultural whatever are of interest. Are we to pretend that we do not notice these differences. When for example a Londoner notices these differences and imitates someone speaking with Welsh accent or can't remember or pronounce their name very well we do not jump to lablel them racists.

That is pretty much what we and our media have done to the three girls on this show.

Women like Myra Hyndley and Rosie West who have been accused, tried and convicted in court of murdering children seem to receive a better press than these three girls.