The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90399 Message #1951054
Posted By: GUEST,Black Hawk
29-Jan-07 - 06:32 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Pick a Bale of Cotton
Subject: RE: Origins: Pick a Bale of Cotton
Serious question. Carrying this debate further does it mean that we do not sing songs about murder (might upset the victims relatives), infidelity, drunkedness, etc. None of these subjects are being advocated as 'good' but the folk music (indeed any genre) scene would be in dire straits without them. I sang 'Redback on the Toilet Seat' at a regular singaround recently and a good friend of mine was on the verge of hysteria. Turns out she has a spider phobia. I didnt know and will not sing it again in her presence but will perform it as I am requested for it often! One mans meat ..........