The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19233   Message #195125
Posted By: wysiwyg
14-Mar-00 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Mudcat Tavern
Subject: RE: BS: The Mudcat Tavern
A clear sweet voice, only slightly marred by the hysterical soprano laughter she has been emitting, issues forth from the shower...

"I once~~~ was lost~~~ but now~~~ am found~~~ wah-uhz BLIND~~~ but now~~~ I seeeeee~~~~~~....."

and then,

"WHAT can wash A-WAY my SIN? NOTHING but the BLOOD of Jesus.... Oh, precious is the flow~~~ that~~ makes me white as sno~oh..."

Mmario tips his head slightly to hear.... "They don't sing that one at any Episcopal Church I ever went to!"

Someone whispers softly, "She doesn't have the Electric Autoharp in there does she?"

Normally Hardiman would go see (just to keep her safe!), but he has fallen asleep-- couldn't hold his likker apparently... said he had an early Lenten service. in the morning... with the ECW making breakfast....