The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98318   Message #1952059
Posted By: MBSLynne
30-Jan-07 - 03:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Children's behaviour
Subject: RE: BS: Children's behaviour
I agree dianavan. I've always made it a rule that we sit down at the table together for our evening meal. There is an alarming number of my kids' friends who don't even have a dining table. They NEVER sit at table for a meal but always in the lounge, usually with the television on. I admit we've lapsed occasionally this winter because we've not been using the central heating much and there is an open fire in the sitting room, but once it's warmer we're back to the dining room.

SRS, yes, that's why I no longer restrict my son's games and tv time. He is into so many things that I have no fear, any more, of him spending all his time on them...but perhaps that's because I MADE him do other things at a time when he otherwise would have done so?

Love Lynne