The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65794   Message #1952318
Posted By: black walnut
30-Jan-07 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Migraine sufferers, advice please?
Subject: RE: BS: Migraine sufferers, advice please?
Slag: you said, "I heard the head of the UCSD Pain Clinic state that all rebound and chronic migraine is caused from continuing to take pain killers." They may have said this but while it is probably the overwhelming factor, it is not totally true. I know because I have chronic migraine and the neurologists have totally ruled out drug rebound. All they can say is that for some reason my brain turned on the "migraine switch" and my body says I have to have them and they won't stop. It's like a roller coaster - up and down up and down. But sometimes there is a whole wonderful day without a migraine - like yesterday - I had a FABULOUS day and got out to a concert at night and smiled the whole evening long.
