The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19233   Message #195239
Posted By: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
15-Mar-00 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Mudcat Tavern
Subject: RE: BS: The Mudcat Tavern
Praise be (sorry for pun -no you're not- oh well...)the ole Tavern is back. Enter dishevelled old fart, still shrugging off straitjacket labelled "If found please return to Brian Wilson Ward NYCFTTS". Produces Chinese-made all-plastic permanently off-key kazoo and tries chorus of Dudley Canal Tunnel Song. Starts singing "Push, boys, push". Invitation too much for music-loving clientele who oblige. Climbs out of jello pit, shakes jello out of kazoo, slumps on stool with a large Metaxas and starts telling Aynuck and Ayli stories to the stuffed parrot. Parrot falls off perch. Someone has phoned Center, men in white coats come and remove him to the strains of "They're coming to take me away, aha".
[senior staff all away at Conference, we're all a little light headed here!]