The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98339   Message #1953297
Posted By: Lanfranc
31-Jan-07 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
Count me in - see PM.

I have auditing experience, if that is of any use.

Way back in 2002, after the foundation meeting, I drafted a Constitution for the UKFoM, sent it to Gareth and heard no more. Did anything ever come of it?

I've not been the most active of Mudcatters lately, having been incapacitated to a greater or lesser extent for most of the past couple of years with a serially broken arm. Now this has been fixed (again), barring another RTA you may well see more of me. You have been warned!
