The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98576   Message #1953435
Posted By: Scrump
31-Jan-07 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: What's happening to us? (UK)
Subject: BS: What's happening to us? (UK)
Reading this article, made me wonder what's happening to us in the UK.

These are the opening few paragraphs of the article:

Head teachers have been told that they cannot look inside children's lunch boxes for fear of contravening their human rights.

The guidance was issued when a 10-year-old boy successfully overturned a head's decision to ban his "unhealthy" packed lunch.

Ryan Stupples was ordered out of a school dining hall after a piece of chocolate cake and a packet of cheese biscuits were discovered in his packed lunch.

Two things occur to me:

1. How shocking that the child had (gasp!) chocolate cake and cheese biscuits in his lunch box!

2. How crazy that a head teacher isn't allowed to look inside a kid's lunch box because of the child's "human rights".

I'm just wondering where all this is heading, and I don't think I like the answer.

I'd be interested in your comments!