The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19254   Message #195347
Posted By: harpgirl
15-Mar-00 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: Help: Mtn. dulcimer tuning etc.
Subject: RE: Help: Mtn. dulcimer tuning etc.
...the mode described above is known as "mixolydian", I believe. Ionian mode (major) is very standard

Tune the bass string to a good sound for your vocal range, (or C below middle C), fret it at the 4th fret, sound the string, and tune the remaining strings to that note. The scale begins at the 3rd fret on the melody string. Omit fret number 6# if your dulcimer has it. The key is C major.
Tunes played might be
Dandelion River Run , Richard Farina
Hamish (Farina)
One Morning in May
Eighth of January

Other modes include;
and of course, Mixolydian as described in the previous post...Aeolian is the third most common mode (a minor mode)and is used to play such tunes as "Greensleeves" or "Raven Girl"...harp