The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98578   Message #1953502
Posted By: Alec
31-Jan-07 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: 'My Miner Lad'
Subject: Lyr Add: MY MINER LAD

O bonny's my lad as he walks doon the street
Wi' his lamp in his hand, aal canny and neat
His teeth white as iv'ry, his eyes black as slaws
I love my miner lad iv'ryone knows

Sometimes he has money, sometimes none at aal
But he'll share what he has, be it nivvor so smaal
Nae laddie is blither, nae laddie mair kind
And he'll stand by his word when he's spoken his mind.

We'll build us a castle of highest renoon
That ladies and masters will never pull doon
The king loves his queen, and the emp'ror the same
And I love my miner lad, who can me blame?