The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98578   Message #1954278
Posted By: Alec
01-Feb-07 - 03:07 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: 'My Miner Lad'
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: 'My Miner Lad'
Thanks for the input everybody,the version I know was,until I followed your postings,the only version I was aware of.
As to where I got it it was popular locally when I was a child, (though I was brought up in Northumberland, more specifically Tynedale,)It was said to be a Durham song in those days (sixties'& Seventies') I'm fairly certain that this is the version that Sheila Armstrong sang at a commemorative concert in Durham Cathedral on the occasion of the 1000th Anniversary of that beautiful building's founding.
Your right Malcolm my (tongue in cheek) note on pronuciation had no place here,this was provoked by an encounter yesterday morning with a man from Berkshire, who was all to keen to air his negative views about somewhere called "Noocarsle" despite having alighted here for the first time in his life less than an hour earlier.
Should have kept that out of the 'Cat.